Friday 27 August 2010

The Miners

Well maybe I seems a little obviously if i decided talk about the “miner” how the news more important at the moment. But This news is important for many things. First because I think that this event is only comparable with the tragedy of Antuco, in relation with the negligence by the persons that was in the head. In both cases, the people exposed of the dangerous, not were –obviously- the leaders: military or businessman. I ask myself if these persons had send his sons or brothers for to snow for die, or for work into the mine with risk of pull down, I believe that not.
I´m very impression with all the situation of miner, They are a survivor clear, but too, one political play perfect, for can to keep the attention of the population in one event in specific and to past for high other news that are deciding too in this moment, for example, the historical problem about the education, the Mapuche hunger strike or the to strike of the public workers.
Finally the miner case, in my opinion will be as a reality show, but the real reality show, one spectacle more with cameras, families crying, people to suffer…etc. I believe that there are private things. there is a different between inform and search to give sad, it´s necessary to put limit to the news, to the kind of information that we receive and in the kind of people how give that information.

Friday 20 August 2010

Fabulosos Cadillacs

In this opportunity I’m going to write about a concert. It is Not the last or neither the best, but is special because was in the other country, so I believe that in that situation everything is a more little special.
It was as in October of the last year in Buenos Aires, I went to see the Fabulosos Cadillacs with a friend “la Pachi”. Don´t was the first time that I see them, but in this opportunity I enjoyed very much because all was very exiting but relax, for example non person to squash me, thing that in Santiago is so usual, in fact, in Buenos Aires I could be sitting and didn´t die in the try or dancing with a space. There were many persons with children or older person too. I like very much that this kind of event can to be for all people, that anybody can enjoy it, it´s really so good. When I will be old people i would like go to concert or all kind of event and have still the capacity for enjoy it.
Well come back to the concert. The support band I liked too, was the “Pericos” and other band that I don´t remember but I suppose that don´t was bad. My favorite songs I believe that is “vasos vacios” but really I like many songs, but I choose this because I have one imagine: the pachi and mE to raise the hands with one unsuspected emotion.
I stay with this imagine and the sensation that all be good.

Friday 13 August 2010


Well this is my second English blog and i hope that it can be better that the last.

In this opportunity I´m going to talk about the education in Chile, because is a topic very important. Sometimes I think that everything about the education is bad, but is true too that the things can be better, and that should be better. But with the current education minister is very difficult. In my opinion really he don´t understand nothing about the political education, have “well intentions” not is enough for to legislate, is necessary to know.

We see more clear that Lavin don´t understand, when for example, he get out the possibility for that we have one provisory "pase escolar", without considerer the cost high of the bus, I believe that this new political, is almost one steal, without the traditional white arms, but if with the abuse of power.

The businessman never to lost, and today we have one government headline for businessman that little to know about public political, because they only to know about the private sector, the rest is only one little group that is necessary not to educate too much.