Friday 24 September 2010

In the last time the situation Mapuche have been one topic very important, but not is a bit late? More than 30 persons in hunger strike is too much for can be to listen. The problem about the ancestral land is very old, many times to fight for that the people understand that the Mapuche people not see the land as part of his property, because they are property of the land, maybe this is the point.
The mapuche people have been obliged for to be in a constant situation of war, the kid grow to thinking that the “Chilean people” is foolish -and probably they have a reason- the kid grow to playing of the “paco and mapuche”, it´s very terrible. In that moment we to move away of own our origin?.
I think that the Mapuche not is a terrorist person – or not more terrorist that other persons that today to give them one military justice- I believe that the mapuche is one person that answer, answer to the situation, I don´t agree with the violence but, sometimes looks like necessary and I don´t thinking only in the arms, because in this case the impotence mapuche in the hungry strike is one act of violence too, it´s necessary? Maybe… the other option is follow waiting for a “table dialogue” a little fair, while other peoples to continue die.
For other part with the anti-terrorism law. who don´t is a terrorist? Everybody are suspect, everybody can in some moment to cause terror, is in my opinion a law with many empty is other heritage of the dictatorship, and I doubt that a government of “right” wants to abolish it, considering that the “concertacion” neither do it.
I hope that all can to make up, but is difficult because not is only a problem of the law, is a problem of the conscience.


  1. All governments needed enemies into the country. In our country is the mapuches. Is very horrible, because this people are our ancestors, own blood.

  2. Is necessary be in the place of the afected for comprend the dimensions of the problem. I think that the changes in the law isn't a definitive solution.

  3. yes, I believe too thata the mapuches have been obliged at the situation of war.. We or the government shoul understand that the lands are property of them.. is the history.. is the time.. is the nature

  4. As you said, is a little bit late, but when Chile haven't been "late"?
    I mean, when we are talking about civil liberties and laws that support minorities...
