Monday 6 September 2010


In this opportunity I would like to write about September: what is September for Chile Really? what represent this month?. Well, in my opinion there are two important things until the moment, first, obviously September 18 with its exaggereted nationalism for cause of the Bicentenary, and the September 11 with its silences. I suppose that everybody we are a little tired with everything around the "Bicentenary" topic, because finally: what we celebrate? our history of independence or dependence? two hundred years of what? ... what is that of the "time capsule"? is possible that we put the foolishness in one capsule?.
I don´t understand this event as the great event great really, all is like a performace for show a progress... a debatable progress, because the fact, according with the political "bicentenaria" everythings is good, better and better. If inclusive in these two hundred years of the motherland, we have ours owns heros (not only, Carrera or O´Higgins and his monuments): the Miners. they could have been martyrs of the Bicentenary, but they are Heroes today and this is the point.
so we can say that, the people forgot in the Bicentenary are that that aren´t heroes, the people that not to build the big history and that not is inside of "time capsule". The people forgot is only one spot in the way. For that is important to deny the September 11, to deny the spot and then close the eyes, close the faculties, close the street, close all the places that remember us that not everythings is good, and that in the Bicentenary the last sentences, not always is "viva Chile mierda".
well... Happy September!

1 comment:

  1. Ufff, great topic…
    I don’t understand so much, but I think that this is only for celebrate and drink so much. The people don’t think so much.
    People forgot very fast, but drink very much.
