Friday 26 November 2010

How is learn in a technological time?

In this time of the human history, maybe we can say that we live in a technological period or -maybe is better say that- in a digital period. Everything have been touched for the machine, is almost impossible that we try of the resist it, because the machine we intertwine. The question so is how we thinking use it, not if use it or not use it. So how we use the technology in the university? The technology is a tool for help to the teacher or is a replacement at the teacher in our digital period?

The technology can help in the learning. For example one blog in the English class involve that the student must take one continues practice, with verifiable progress, where, besides, is possible apply other learning related with your career or with your interest. This kind of technological application can put in play your critical vision about different aspect, not only your competition in a language

Some things are easier with the technology for the student and also for the teacher, for example the email. With the email the contact or keep to the contact is more easy and the through of the information about to the class is more quickly and efficient.

Besides, to know to apply the technology in the future profession can be always a plus, in our career for example when we have a work in a museum can have a technological registration with the work made and that can be a part of the curriculum or part of the other future work

But, therefore, in none moment the technology can replace the work of the teacher, the technology is only a tool that can help you. But the learning person to person, is the true learning. Is impossible that with a machine we can have a real and complete learning, because with a machine is impossible the dialogue. In the university the technology is important and maybe is more easy everything with it, but the technology not apply, and neither learning, the professional ethic.

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