Friday 22 October 2010

suicides women

Today I’m going to talk about persons that I would like to meet. Those people are to die, so there is many question that I would like do, because I’m going to talk about the persons that decided die: suicidal persons.
I would like to start with a poet woman, because always I have interested in her lives so suffer as if the only way for can be a good writer is through the suffering. This will be my first question, for example, for Alfonsina Storny or Virginia woolf. Is necessary living suffer for can write? Is true that sometimes the life to put pressure, but there isn´t pleasure in the suffering too?. The lives of the woman write almost always are very intense but short. Why?. Why decide die? Well for that question must be many answer, one for each that decide die.
In the majority of the books where exist a women different or intense too much, or that think to much, they must die. The literature foments this image of the suicide woman. When the write don´t know what can do with a woman extremely complex, he kills her. So what do in the real life those women?.
One case “nearly” in Chile is Viloleta Parra. Violeta why you decided die if you sing thanks for the life?, maybe she was a little advanced for her time so the world can´t with her, not her with the world. I would like to meet with her and not only for make her questions, maybe just for share a moment, listening to music her music and her poems. Or maybe I would like to show her the current world but maybe her suicide twice!!!!


  1. That awful...
    Violeta Parra Says “Thanks to life”...
    Is a joke?

  2. :O Actually spend a later or little time with Violeta Parra would be great because She is great.. her music, poems, her art.. all.
    And sounds cruel say it but yes, maybe she suicide twice..

  3. She got the pay of Chile. It is a shame for her, the art and the Chilean culture.

  4. You are right when you said that the world was and is the problenm, not Violeta.
    About "Gracias a la vida": I think that you have to put more attention in the bad sense of the song. For example when she say: "Gracias a la vida..... me dio el corazón que agita su marco, cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano, cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo..."
    She said thanks by the lucidity, not by the "good things" of the life. Her song is a regret of the life, so cruel and merciless. She said thanks by the capacity for to understand and to see without mask the world and the humans.

    Mª Antonieta: the religion life isn't the only way in this world. Try to understand the real sense of the song, not only the superficial sense!

  5. "Is necessary living suffer for can write?" ...
    This is a good question!
    what do yo think about this?

  6. Violeta Parra was a amazing woman... but is some difficult understand the reason or cause for her suicide, this is awful determination, but nobody knows about her real feeling and her life.

