Friday 29 October 2010

Perfect job

I believe that historically the job have been related with a level of the suffering, there is a idea, maybe in the collective unconscious, one job not suffered not is job, for that maybe the art is sometimes as a play for the society, because the art not involve –in its majority- those characteristic that make unhappy people, for example, the routine, the automatism…. Well also I know that all artistic work in general it involves one high cost: the instability, and many times this bring suffering. But personally I prefer the instability and don´t have one life exploited or losing in the routine.

Obviously, my perfect job (if I don´t dream too much) will be one related with my career because I really like it, but I know that is difficult that we can live of the theory of art, or the history of art but is not impossible, neither can to live GOOD. I want to live good, not suffering (or not too much) I don´t want rich, but I would like live calm.

I would like have a job where my ideas or my ideologies didn´t have been traded. Those will be a perfect job for me. Well… where I could found this job is the point, but I believe that in our career we can chose maybe more that in other because we can going building our own field study and in my opinion this is a important plus, but also one risk.

Well anyway, my favorite field study inside the theory and history of art is the writing is where I feel happier, and I suppose that in definitive the perfect job is that where you are happy.

The true is that I don´t see myself in the future, neither in the near future, for that is difficult for me to thinking in a job, is very silly I know, because I’m an adult, but I just know the things that I like, and if that could be a job, will be perfect for me.

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