Friday 26 November 2010

How is learn in a technological time?

In this time of the human history, maybe we can say that we live in a technological period or -maybe is better say that- in a digital period. Everything have been touched for the machine, is almost impossible that we try of the resist it, because the machine we intertwine. The question so is how we thinking use it, not if use it or not use it. So how we use the technology in the university? The technology is a tool for help to the teacher or is a replacement at the teacher in our digital period?

The technology can help in the learning. For example one blog in the English class involve that the student must take one continues practice, with verifiable progress, where, besides, is possible apply other learning related with your career or with your interest. This kind of technological application can put in play your critical vision about different aspect, not only your competition in a language

Some things are easier with the technology for the student and also for the teacher, for example the email. With the email the contact or keep to the contact is more easy and the through of the information about to the class is more quickly and efficient.

Besides, to know to apply the technology in the future profession can be always a plus, in our career for example when we have a work in a museum can have a technological registration with the work made and that can be a part of the curriculum or part of the other future work

But, therefore, in none moment the technology can replace the work of the teacher, the technology is only a tool that can help you. But the learning person to person, is the true learning. Is impossible that with a machine we can have a real and complete learning, because with a machine is impossible the dialogue. In the university the technology is important and maybe is more easy everything with it, but the technology not apply, and neither learning, the professional ethic.

Friday 19 November 2010


This post is almost the last post, and I will talk about one blog of my classmates. My blog chosen is the In general I like the blogs of my classmates but if I chose the Claudia´s blog is because I believe that is very friendly, very relaxed and without many pretentions and that I think is –for one part- good. I don´t know at Claudia really but I think that the characteristic of her blog are very similar at the characteristic that she have, for that I say that her blog is without pretentions, because is only she not other things. Well, maybe it´s possible that all the blogs can have some of the people who write them, but in claudia´s blog I think that is more clear.

My prefer post where she talk about her prefer disc, the name of this blog is “luna de día”. I like it because I don´t know “mil jinetes” and neither the “futher muckers” and now, thanks to this blog I like very much, in fact I download one disc of this group. Also I like the post where she speaks about the birthday of her son, because I think that is a situation very important and of the personal affect so is cute that have was in the class´s blog.
Maybe she must to correct grammatical things in her English for that her blogs can be better and clearer, but is only practice, but in general I like the ideas that she explained in her blog.
Well I recommend the claudia´s blog

Friday 12 November 2010


This is a most difficult post. I must to choose one important Chilean persons, but important in what… that is the questions. I believe that one important person for Chile in the last time have been Michelle “la presi” Bachelet. Well the obviously is because she is the first woman president in Chile. But I think that if we talk about her as persons and not only in her politic decisions, the most important maybe not is that she have been a woman, but, that she have been a single woman, with children of different men and with one past very heavy for the dictatorship.

That she have been chosen for be a president in a conservative country is important for Chile I think, one landmark. Not is very common that the women to take one important space politic, the politic –as almost all- are very sexist. Her politic way was very criticize, maybe, not only for her politic decision, but, for not be as a men. The power is identify with establish forms, practice it of the others way is many times considering synonym of weakness.

Her government not was a better I now, but I believe that she generate determinates changes, even protocol changes, from as give the welcome in a ceremony until not have a first “damo”. Always I think that the role the couple of the president is very tedious and unnecessary.
Who could be a next women president in Chile? Carolina Toha? JA. Maybe, a women president in Chile was as one mistake that confirm the ruler that the politics or the visible politics is yet only for men.

Friday 5 November 2010


If I didn´t study theory and history of art I think that I would like study maybe some as sociology because when I was in the school it was a possibility (but my first option always was theory). Other career that I have thought is the pedagogy. Before, in the school my signature favorite was the language so I would have liked study pedagogy in language. But now in the university I have discovered that I like very much the history, so I would like study pedagogy in history, besides as today study pedagogy is free… ajajja but it is other matter.

Well if I think as dreaming I would have liked study music, but i´m the worst in the music!!!!! Is frustrated dreams I don´t have rhythm, but nothing. With many lucky in the school I played the flute – and with many effort -. Well, also is true that the school influence too much, so my justification could be that in my school they don´t foster my ( very very) hidden talent. I could be a great musician in this moment… or not?

I like the discipline of the musician, and in his majority they appear as persons very passionate and that is very attractive. I remember a film that I believe its name was claro-oscuro. The film was about a pianist schizophrenic (but is not the Chilean film “Fuga” with Benjamin Vicuña) and I don´t know if I don´t remember or never I have had clear if the music save of the protagonist or the music is the element that to give crazy to the protagonist. But I suppose that the passions there are a little of the both parts.

If you don´t study your current career. What will be your profession?
What is your career dreams, and why?
What is the reason for that your current career don´t be your dreams career?

Friday 29 October 2010

Perfect job

I believe that historically the job have been related with a level of the suffering, there is a idea, maybe in the collective unconscious, one job not suffered not is job, for that maybe the art is sometimes as a play for the society, because the art not involve –in its majority- those characteristic that make unhappy people, for example, the routine, the automatism…. Well also I know that all artistic work in general it involves one high cost: the instability, and many times this bring suffering. But personally I prefer the instability and don´t have one life exploited or losing in the routine.

Obviously, my perfect job (if I don´t dream too much) will be one related with my career because I really like it, but I know that is difficult that we can live of the theory of art, or the history of art but is not impossible, neither can to live GOOD. I want to live good, not suffering (or not too much) I don´t want rich, but I would like live calm.

I would like have a job where my ideas or my ideologies didn´t have been traded. Those will be a perfect job for me. Well… where I could found this job is the point, but I believe that in our career we can chose maybe more that in other because we can going building our own field study and in my opinion this is a important plus, but also one risk.

Well anyway, my favorite field study inside the theory and history of art is the writing is where I feel happier, and I suppose that in definitive the perfect job is that where you are happy.

The true is that I don´t see myself in the future, neither in the near future, for that is difficult for me to thinking in a job, is very silly I know, because I’m an adult, but I just know the things that I like, and if that could be a job, will be perfect for me.

Friday 22 October 2010

suicides women

Today I’m going to talk about persons that I would like to meet. Those people are to die, so there is many question that I would like do, because I’m going to talk about the persons that decided die: suicidal persons.
I would like to start with a poet woman, because always I have interested in her lives so suffer as if the only way for can be a good writer is through the suffering. This will be my first question, for example, for Alfonsina Storny or Virginia woolf. Is necessary living suffer for can write? Is true that sometimes the life to put pressure, but there isn´t pleasure in the suffering too?. The lives of the woman write almost always are very intense but short. Why?. Why decide die? Well for that question must be many answer, one for each that decide die.
In the majority of the books where exist a women different or intense too much, or that think to much, they must die. The literature foments this image of the suicide woman. When the write don´t know what can do with a woman extremely complex, he kills her. So what do in the real life those women?.
One case “nearly” in Chile is Viloleta Parra. Violeta why you decided die if you sing thanks for the life?, maybe she was a little advanced for her time so the world can´t with her, not her with the world. I would like to meet with her and not only for make her questions, maybe just for share a moment, listening to music her music and her poems. Or maybe I would like to show her the current world but maybe her suicide twice!!!!

Friday 15 October 2010

the perfect day...

if I think in my perfect day, the first thing in my mind is the sun, in a sunny day, i can´t think in a perfect day cloudy, without light... then, i think in some natural place as the beach or the mountain, one place with trees and water, i see myself first alone, but then with my family near: my sisters, my nephew, my niece, my mom and my dad. i don´t have -or i don´t remember- moments with all them

my perfect day must be in a open place or natural place, not only because i like me, Also because i would like that my nephew and my niece could play more free, i believe that with the nature near,the kids are more freedom and brave, and i would like see those characteristic in them (and in me too).

in my perfect day the get dark is with my friends: school friends, university friends and life friends, also, with music -all the music that i like me-, taste food, and conversation, many conversation in the roof terrace look at the city... everything is relaxed, everything is good... i feel so good -as in the song-
but in the night, i would like dancing with bands in live (everything in the roof terrace), dancing with different kinds of music, while, i take some drinks and smoke some cigarette or good grass.

and finally in the daybreak, sleep with the persons that i love, and wake up with sea view...

maybe some day i have a perfect day as this :)
